Nerdy notes...
Habit Loops: How to Build and Break Consumer Habits
It’s a hyper-competitive market out there. Understanding the psychology behind consumer behavior is more than an academic exercise—it can be a blueprint for success. A psychological concept called the habit loop, a simple yet powerful concept, reveals how habits are formed and, importantly, how they can be broken or reinforced. In this post, we’ll explore the cue-routine-reward loop that drives habits and dive into actionable insights for brands aiming to create or disrupt consumer habits through smart product design and targeted marketing strategies.
Framing Effects: How Context Changes Consumer Research Results
At its core, framing taps into how our brains process information. Humans are not entirely rational decision-makers. Instead, we’re influenced by cognitive biases, which shape how we interpret and respond to information.
Nerdy Thoughts on the Problem of Implicit Association Tests in Consumer Research
Implicit methods hold immense potential for consumer research, but only when applied thoughtfully. As the field continues to evolve, we must push back against oversimplified approaches and prioritize rigor in experimental design and data analysis. Let’s ensure implicit testing serves as a tool for uncovering genuine insights—not just a buzzword for selling research services.
Social Proof: Why We’re All About Following the Crowd
We dive into how social proof—people’s natural tendency to follow the crowd—has taken center stage in today’s digital world. From viral TikTok reviews to influencer-approved skincare, learn why authentic user-generated content now outshines traditional ads, and discover how product developers can tap into memetic trends to build trust and grow their brands.
The Danger of Reverse Inference in Neuroscience and Consumer Research
When neuroscience intersects with consumer research, it promises an enticing frontier: uncovering what truly drives human behavior, often at a subconscious level. Yet as appealing as it sounds, this approach can run into a significant methodological pitfall—reverse inference.
How Understanding Cognitive Dissonance Can Help Us Get What Really Drives Consumer Choices
When it comes to consumer packaged goods (CPG), figuring out what drives people to pick one product over another can be a tough nut to crack. We know things like taste, branding, and convenience play a big role, but there’s another layer that often gets overlooked—cognitive dissonance.
Exploring Careers in Psychology Beyond Counseling: Insights from My Lecture at DelVal University
As someone who has applied psychological principles in diverse fields like consumer research and product development, I’m always excited to share how psychology extends far beyond the traditional roles people often associate with it. Recently, I had the pleasure of lecturing at Delaware Valley University in Stephanie Dunn’s senior psychology class, where I had the chance to open students’ eyes to the many career paths psychology offers outside of counseling and clinical settings.
Why Facial Coding in Consumer Research is Flawed (And What We Should Be Doing Instead)
Alright, let’s talk about facial coding and why it’s not the magic bullet for understanding consumer emotions that some people think it is. This topic was discussed a bit at the recent SSP 2024 conference in Pittsburgh during the Emotions Session after Holly Miller’s talk discussed in a previous blog post.
Moving Beyond Liking: Why It’s Time to Rethink Emotion in Consumer Research
There’s been a hot topic brewing at recent conferences I’ve attended, from EuroSense 2024 in Dublin to SSP 2024 in Pittsburgh: the role of emotion in consumer research. And I have to say, it’s sparking some serious debates.
From Research Questions to Insights: Why I Love Being Your “Nerdoscientist” Consultant
One of the best parts of my job as a consultant is getting to be part of a client's research journey. Whether it’s designing a cutting-edge behavioral study or diving deep into background research on a specialized topic, I truly love the work I do—and I’m lucky to collaborate with clients who trust me to bring science and strategy together.
Bridging the Gaps: The Art of Scientific Writing Across Disciplines
One of the most rewarding aspects of my work as a scientific writer is the opportunity to explore new questions and dig deep into diverse research areas. Recently, I was asked by a client to write a review article addressing a novel question in consumer research.
Unlocking the Power of Behavioral Neuroscience: Tailored Education for Your Team
Teaching has always been a passion of mine. Over the years, I’ve come to believe that I learn just as much—if not more—by teaching others.
Finding Joy in the Journey: Why I Love Running Workshops
I’ve been told recently that I’m a natural at running workshops. While that’s incredibly flattering, I’ll admit that it can be exhausting at times. But here’s the thing—I wouldn’t have it any other way.